Sunday, April 8, 2018

More on Salamanca...

It was a long day of sightseeing. I was just leaving the Plaza Mayor when I ran into the 3 German pilgrims I'd last seen in Grimaldo. They'd also come part way by bus. Two of them were finishing in Salamanca whilst Birgit - brace soul - was determined to carry on to Santiago.

House of Shells

Cafe inside the Museo Art Nouveau. No photos allowed in the museum itself, which has an incredible collection of items (furniture, glassware, dolls, jewellery, photographs etc etc, all reminding me of the Jugendstil exhibits in Vienna).

Stained glass in all the windows

The museum overlooks the river. My hotel is down on the road just to the left of the picture.

Now to the cathedrals, old and new...

Nave of the new cathedral 

Entering the old, Romanesque, cathedral by stairs from the new

Altar screen

Wall paintings in St Martin's Chapel

Outside again, I found myself near the Salamanca Albergue - no unsightly yellow arrows spoil the facades of buildings here, just discreet brass plates in the pavement (and very few of them!)

Walled garden next to the Albergue 

Roman bridge across the river

The river is low and the river bed very wide. People were strolling around the sandbanks, taking advantage of the late sunshine.

Looking back to Salamanca from the bridge

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