Sunday, December 1, 2019

Beach access

Hot weather is forecast all week in Perth, so we have come down to Mandurah where it is not so extreme. We are staying for 4 nights at Seashells, our favourite spot right on the beach at Dolphin Cove. Because we only have a small unit for two, we are at the back with a canal view rather than a sea view. But it is marvellously cool as it gets no direct sun.

Early morning walk!

Seashells is the highest building. We have Room 505.

Norfolk Pine.

View from our balcony.

We are entertained watching the occupant of that small square “houseboat”. It appears to be home made, with solar panels on the roof and a rowing boat moored alongside. It moves around a bit: maybe it doesn’t have permission to be there.

JL about to enjoy his dinner: chicken parcels w. rice and broad beans.


  1. How I wish we could enlarge your pictures of the beautiful views.

  2. This blog app doesn’t seem to allow it automatically from my iPhone. Maybe you can look at the blog from a desktop computer and just make the photos bigger yourself. I sometimes do that. They are sharp enough for enlarging.
