Thursday, December 5, 2019

Dolphins, crabs...

Time to leave Mandurah and head back to hot, hot Perth. On the last morning, I went for a swim in the sea before breakfast. It was 7.00 am and already there were a few locals on the beach. I suddenly saw splashing and a fin next to another swimmer. Then the fin came perilously close to me. It was a dolphin! I found out there were two of them, probably a mother and baby which had been sighted there earlier in the week. I don’t have a photo of this encounter, but I do have one from last January:

This is C and me next to the groin, with two dolphins nearby. It was taken by a woman at the hotel swimming pool, where everyone was looking our way, with great excitement, including E who suddenly realised that it was her mother and grandmother out there!

Seashells Hotel has paintings in every room by a local artist, Emma Blyth. They depict holiday scenes around Mandurah. I find them bold and brash and “in your face”, but this one in our room is interesting. It seems to be an advertisement for the annual Mandurah Crabfest:

Someone is about to enjoy two Blue Manna Crabs and a bowl of prawns.

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