Saturday, April 23, 2022

Linzoain to Larrasoana

You win some and you lose some. I certainly won some last night at the Posada El Camino in Linzoain. Tonight at Casa Tao in Larrasoana is not looking so promising.

At the Posada, I was well looked after by Carmen and Luis. Not much English was spoken, so I definitely added to my Spanish word count. They made me an early dinner at 7.00 pm ( veg soup, pork slices w  pasta, followed by strawberry mousse), plus a good breakfast w scrambled eggs, toast and jam. This was all for the bargain price of €40. The place is not well publicised and Senor Luis was looking for a contact to get himself included in my guide book.

There was a steep climb out of Linzoain, but the real challenge of the day was the long descent down to Zubiri. There were two heavy downpours and the path soon became a fast flowing stream, such as I last encountered in Tasmania. Over there, the guide told us not to try to avoid treading in puddles. It just slows you down, she said: you have to splosh through and if your feet get wet: tough!

It was really too wet to take many photos without putting my phone at risk, but I did manage a few wildflowers;

Lenten Roses 

Jelly Fungus

Bracket Fungus


I took my time on the descent to Zubiri, as I didn’t want to slip and fall on the muddy rocks, so by the time I crossed the bridge it was time for an early lunch:

Enjoyed with a big glass of shandy to replenish my liquids!

I also perused a Camino website and found this photo of a rescue up in the Pyrenees: a woman suffering from hypothermia taken off by the Bomberos. I’ve heard that pilgrims who ignore warnings have to pay for their rescue.

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