Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Puente to Lorca

Raining again this morning and the Hostal was not serving breakfast. I had to go along the street to find some; I was in luck as it included a big glass of freshly squeezed OJ.

I knew I had 14 kms to walk, which is just about my limit these days. I’m fact, this was a normal day’s walk for medieval pilgrims and there was always a monastery to look after them every night (so I read).

Along the track, the first stop, Cirauqui, appeared in the distance: a typically picturesque small Spanish town. We met a Guarda Civil 4WD coming back, presumably checking that the Camino was passable with all the rain. On one side was a broad bean crop as far as the eye could see and on the other rows of vines just starting to shoot after the winter.

Roman bridge on the far side of Cirauqui.

Between Cirauqui and Lorca, someone had set up one of the typical “donativo” stalls, offering a variety of snacks, fruits and drinks in return for a donation. This one was operated by Ivan from Pamplona. I sat there for a while in spite of the wet conditions and ate some nuts and a cake:

It was after 2.00 pm when I finally arrived in Lorca. I must have been the last person to make it from Puente. The bar had run out of food, even though there were tempting signs for lentil soup and tortilla. The only thing on offer was a mixed salad, not really what I fancied! I had a shandy and the last of Ivan’s nuts.

Never mind: in my emergency rations was a packet of miso soup which I concocted in my small private room across the road:

Dinner time.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful photos. Rough road for walking. Hard on the feet.
