Monday, April 18, 2022


Four hours on the train and I’m in Pamplona. I took a taxi from the station to Hotel Europa. The receptionist was pleased to inform me that we had the same birthday (Christmas Day). In all these years, this has never happened to me before. Is this a good omen, or what?

It was already 2.00 pm and I was pretty hungry.  I walked across the square (Plaza del Castillo) to Cafe Iruna. This had not changed one iota since my last visit and probably very little since it was a haunt of Hemingway, for which it is famous. Sitting at the next table was an American women who asked if I was walking the Camino too. It turns out her name was also Margaret. Talk about coincidences!

Many art nouveau touches in Cafe Iruna.

I ordered Calamares followed by Roast Lamb,  wine and sparkling water included, but I couldn’t manage dessert.

Pamplona felt quite chilly after Barcelona, so I was happy to return to my hotel for a siesta:

Evening stroll to the Cathedral:

It’s Spring in Pamplona!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful time you will have! Beautiful pictures. It's spring already.
