Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Pamplona to Puente la Reina

Today is a beautiful day to be walking the Camino. It’s also not bad on the bus! I’ve done the stiff climb up to the Alto de Perdon and the even worse descent to Uterga in the past (twice) so I’m taking it easy this time. Thirty minutes on La Estellesa bus and I’m sitting in the sun in Puente la Reina drinking a shandy.

This is the famous much-photographed bridge.

Church of the Cruxificion

This is the first church on the right as you enter the town. There is an extremely long and narrow main street , at least a kilometre:

I am staying half way along at Hostal Bidean. It was all closed up when I arrived, but a woman living opposite told me to go round the side and enter through the kitchen. I deposited my backpack and went to explore the rest of the little town.

Church of Santiago

It’s asparagus season. Here they grow the fat white kind:

6.30 pm and it’s started to rain; not looking good for tomorrow!


  1. A lovely town for moseying about. Fingers crossed it's a short, non-muddy rain.

  2. Can’t seem to comment with the new system.

  3. The above was written by Margaret B from Spain! As ever, I think exactly the same as the other Margaret.

  4. This was supposed to be on Joanne’s blog!
