Monday, April 1, 2024

Easter treats

Too old for eggs now, but I enjoyed a few other pleasures. First was an absolutely beautiful sunset:

We also held a meeting of our Herb Garden Committee to decide on our Autumn planting strategy. One seemingly insoluble problem is an unwanted visitor: a lone ibis who pecks around in our rich soil looking for titbits. (Our soil is more attractive than the hard, dry soil in the surrounding garden beds). The thing is, he sits on the lovely white walls all round the courtyard and leaves little black “deposits” which are a real mess to clear up. We have been asked to cover our bare soil with netting so that he is no longer attracted to the area. I hope this works!

We definitely over-catered for our meeting!  I contributed some banana bread.

At the supermarket, I was happy to discover Lambs Kidneys, something I’ve not seen in the shops for ages. Are we too affluent to eat offal these days? So I quickly searched Delia Online for her kidneys in red wine. Delicious! (I had no mushrooms so substituted carrots). This was my Easter Monday treat:

Finally caught up with the interloper:

1 comment:

  1. Never had kidneys, but I'm a big fan of liver (and onions!).
