Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Seville to Jerez

I spent my last night in Seville on the roof top terrace watching the sun go down:

I had a swim in my undies as there were only 3 French women up there. One of them complimented me on my swimming! There was a shower with butterflies all over it, advertising Hendrick’s gin:

People had been pulling them off for souvenirs, so I did too!

The bus to Jerez took 1.5 hours, arriving at 10.30 am. I took a taxi straight to my hotel, the Casa Grande. This has been completely re-vamped since I was here a few years ago. It looks as if they have doubled the number of rooms by making them smaller. After a second breakfast and a quick trip to the supermarket nearby, I’m now resting in my room.

The headline news on the internet seems to be that Dubai is flooded and the airport runways are a sea of water! But it has time to drain away before I get there, I hope.


  1. The shower is pretty neat! Dubai seems pretty flooded. Hope it has receded before you arrive.

  2. So much rain is unheard of in the UAE.
