Sunday, April 21, 2024

Hotel Reina Cristina

This is an old world hotel from a different era. Celebrities like Winston Churchill stayed here in its heyday. Now it is much frequented by tour groups because of its prime position and value-for-money accommodation. I talked to a couple last night who are with an English group on their way to Morocco. I’m slightly envious, but maybe to travel around Morocco on my own is a step too far. One of the things they told me was about an abortive trip to Australia when COVID broke out and the borders were closed. They had got as far as Dubai and had to turn round and go back home.

View from my room. I’m overlooking the pool, but the weather has turned cool and windy, so it’s no use to me!

This is the main lounge area near the foyer where people meet for pre-dinner drinks.

I asked if I could climb up to the roof to see the view. The Rock of Gibraltar can be seen across the bay.

The large number of tour group guests results in a generous buffet. I had this selection for dinner (fish, pork, lots of veg). Wine was free-flowing from taps, but not the best!

As soon as it was light this morning, I heard several cruise ships sounding their hooters as they left port. Apparently there are 80 ships in port at present, though most of them are bulk carriers.

The gardens are extensive as the hotel owns quite a lot of land.

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