Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Barcelos to Braga and back

Firstly, last night's dinner in the traditional restaurant next to the hotel:

Dinner at Restaurant Bagoeira

Castello Alba Reserva (Douro) 2011
 A beautiful red

Veg soup
Roasted kid w potatoes and cabbage
(Enormous portion - enough for a takeaway tomorrow!)

Total: €27

This was not a meal for vegetarians!

I have just had the remains of the kid for lunch. It was equally delicious cold, washed down with Earl Grey tea (made with some newly purchased Liptons tea bags), followed by cherries which have just come into season.

I caught the 8.25 am bus to Braga this morning; the bus stop is conveniently just across the road from the hotel. It was an hour's ride going round all the surrounding villages and could have been done in 15 minutes by car. But at €2.30 I can't complain.

The valley was covered in fog when I woke up and the sun was struggling to get out when I reached Braga. It never really succeeded, though it felt very warm and sultry as I strolled around the historic centre of town, fortified by a delicious Portuguese Custard Tart. (I must have one of these every day!)

Then on to the Cathedral, where I was given my own personal guided tour in English by a very nice man. He took me up into the "high choir" above the west door, from where I got a superb view down the aisle:

Some other pics taken around Braga follow:

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