Monday, May 4, 2015

Melide to Ribadiso

Yesterday evening proved to be quite pleasant with the sun out for a change. It was even warm enough to eat outside. I located a vegetarian restaurant highly recommended by TripAdvisor and ordered mixed roast veggies with an avocado sauce, followed by courgette parcels, which had ham and cheese inside! Quite a change from the usual Camino fare.

My room at hotel Carlos had a small glassed in balcony, which caught the evening sun nicely.  From there I could watch the world go by in the Main Street below me. There was a man in a horse and cart, trotting along with all the motor traffic. Then 3 cars pulled up at the pub and all the guys jumped out. They were towing small trailers with animals inside. The receptionist told me they were hunting dogs and there was a local competition to catch a particular wild bird. The men had a few drinks; the dogs were flat out inside their cages.

This morning started wet, very wet! But I am getting used to it now. My waterproof pants do a really good job and I can sit down anywhere without getting a wet bottom. I reached Ribadiso at about 2.30 pm and checked into my private room at Albergue Los Caminantes. It is fine now but blowing a gale. In fact, all their sun umbrellas are going down one by one. When I was here before people were soaking their feet in the river on a hot day.

Today I met a Dutch lady of 86 who was walking with her 12 year old grandson.

Church of Santa Maria outside Melide

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