Friday, May 17, 2019

Belesar Dam, near Chantada

After leaving Diomondi, we drove a few more kilometres and started to see the dramatic scenery for which the Ribiera Sacra is known. An enormous dam came into view. Here is some info from Wikipedia for any engineers reading this:

This monumental reservoir is another of the great hydroelectric works that the Franco regime carried out and that covered with water large areas of valleys in Galicia and that today forms part of the landscape of the mythical Ribeira Sacra in this province.  It was built in 1963 on the largest river in Galicia, the Miño River.  The name of the reservoir is given by the parish that is 4 km downstream called  Belesar.

Weather still chilly and showery, so I didn’t want to stir far from my hotel. Imagine the good news: one of the top restaurants in town is right next door (A Faragulla) so without stepping outside I could dine well. The bad news: it’s a public holiday, so everybody will be here for a celebratory lunch with family and it will be choca! However they found me a table and an English speaking waiter (who had previously worked at the Wine Interpretation Cantre in Monforte). He looked after me and served me:

Cantabrian anchovies on toast

Baby goat.

This is him:

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