Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Porto to Pinhao

The Passenger Hostel provided a very comfortable bed for the night, on a mezzanine floor of my private room. There was a bit of noise outside, so I had to resort to digging out my earplugs. This morning the rubbish truck stopped outside with his engine running, whilst the driver went into the cafe opposite for a coffee! This was at 6.45 am but I was already having an early cup of tea in bed. This is a very old building with high ceilings which has been renovated recently, especially the bathrooms; but no en-suites.

Yesterday evening I enjoyed a delicious meal at a vegan restaurant, DaTerra, only 5 minutes walk down the road.

.... followed by a delicious:

The best part about the hostel is watching the world go by from my window. Uni students were off to lectures, wearing the traditional long black cloaks, the girls with black skirts and black stockings and the boys in black suits.

Breakfast was served on the top floor of the hostel, DIY style. Lots of young Asian students were piling their plates high. A few Camino walkers were already departing as I arrived at 8.00 a.m.

This end room under the roof appears to be the beginnings of an art gallery.