Tuesday, March 24, 2020

At home

Life closes in with the Coronavirus numbers growing. Western Australia is not yet in lockdown, but JL and I are gradually getting into isolation mode because of our age. I last went shopping on Friday and will not go again. Our groceries will now be entirely via Woolworths Delivery. I’ve been using this for several years for heavier items; now it’s for everything. Not all items arrive, because of shortages. However, my freezer is full and my cupboards are well stocked. I am determined to have a good clear out (which has needed doing for a long time).

C is still going to work in Fremantle in the import/export company. Freight is still moving, and it’s difficult to work from home because there are big files of documents to access apparently. E is still going to school, which is only 3 minutes walk away. They have decided not to come over for our regular Friday night dinner in case they inadvertently bring the virus with them. E is sad because her Dad and half sister were supposed to come over from England at Easter. All that is cancelled now. They had booked to go glamping on Rottnest Island. We now hear that the island is being cleared in case it is required for large scale medical isolation.

On the bright side, all large outdoor concerts have been cancelled. All through summer there have been noisy events across the river at Gloucester Park and at The Camfield, WA’s biggest pub next to the Stadium. I make a point of emailing a complaint about the disturbance. They always reply that noise levels are monitored, but they don’t take into consideration that wind direction can greatly amplify these.

Perth is now experiencing another bout of unseasonal hot weather (35 degrees forecast today). Sadly our swimming pool has just closed. Libraries suddenly closed last week, but fortunately I had gradually collected 8 books which will keep me going for a while. We are lucky to have a big balcony and a lovely view to enjoy. Hairdressers are closed and I need a haircut...

Two black swans crossed my path at 7.30 am. Is this a lucky omen? An early morning walk is the best part of the day:


  1. We just don't know which way this virus will take us, that's for sure. Closing down noisy venues is a good thing. I hope it lasts a pleasantly decent time.
