Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Miss Fisher

I count myself a connoisseur of TV detective series. I am especially fond of Morse and its offshoots Lewis and Endeavour. Prime Suspect was good till they gave her a drinking problem. Agatha Raisin is incomprehensibly silly. Midsomer Murders has seen just too many. One Australian production that I really liked was Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. Set in 1920’s Melbourne, Phryne Fisher was a glamorous private detective, a girl who had everything including a fast car, an aeroplane and a very stylish wardrobe. (I once went to see an exhibition of her costumes in Melbourne!)

When the ABC refused to fund any more TV programmes and axed the series, the fans were devastated. Eventually a crowd funding campaign raised money for a full length movie: hence Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears. Phryne appears as a kind of female James Bond in an action thriller set in the Middle East of 1929. There is too much going on in a somewhat rambling plot and it has all been done better in earlier films that are being imitated. I wish they would just bring back the TV series!


  1. Or put it on Netflix or the like of those.

  2. Say hi to Claire-ie and Ellie for me. I hope they're both well.

  3. I have seen and enjoyed a few of the TV productions on UK television.

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