Thursday, March 26, 2020

Where in the World...?

I’m into blogging, but other people do vlogging and post their videos on YouTube. These vlogs require a lot of work in the final editing, but the best ones make a decent income from advertising and sponsorship. Some of my favourites are listed below. I watch them on long boring afternoons. You can easily find them on YouTube.

Sara Dhooma

She is a Canadian long distance hiker. I first came across her when she hiked many of the Spanish Camino trails, but she has been everywhere! Her latest treks were in South America, in Patagonia, and then she was lucky enough to get a discounted ticket on an Antarctic cruise. Sometimes she posts everyday; then there is a few weeks’ hiatus while she travels elsewhere. I think she’s back home in Canada now. She tries the local beer wherever she goes, much of it paid for by her loyal followers!

Eamon and Bec

This Canadian couple are currently trapped in Morocco in their campervan, a Sprinter which they converted themselves for a nomadic lifestyle. They post a video every Sunday, which gives them a substantial income, together with online sales of their special blend of chai. They are vegans and have also published a recipe book of healthy meals. They have travelled in England, Scotland, Ireland, France and Spain in their van and seem to have come to a full stop on a beach near Agadir. They have just started posting daily work-out videos from this beach in a 21-day challenge which you can join in.

Athena Mellor

I’m interested in this girl because she must be a distant relative of mine. My maiden name was Mellor and we both come from Holmfirth in West Yorkshire. She vlogs about hiking and climbing in Britain’s National Parks, and is writing guide books to these. Currently she is confined to her lovely rented cottage in the Peak District and goes for lonely sunrise and sunset walks with her dog. She captures brilliant photos, including snow scenes from a recent trip to the Cairngorms.

Gathering of ducks on my early morning walk: they don’t know about social distancing.


  1. I follow Imo and Izzy in South Wales. They are a mum and daughter and Imo is home schooling Izzy. Izzy is now up to GCSE. I found them when I was preparing to go to Portugal and looking for tips on using the Lisbon Metro which Imo talked through nicely. Imo used to live in Lisbon and goes back each year for Irish music sessions because she is a musician. I have been following for almost two years. Vlogs are quite time consuming to watch so I only follow one, but thanks for sharing the ones you follow.
