Saturday, September 5, 2020

Fern Road bushwalk

Saturday was a perfect day to drive once more to Kalamunda National Park. The town was packed for Market Day, but I was determined to get a coffee before starting the walk. I had to drive twice round the car park before finding a spot. Fern Road is off Mundaring Weir Road (which Siri can’t pronounce) and it’s very winding. I parked at the end of Fern as two cyclists arrived back at their cars. I asked them where the Bibbulmun crossed. They asked me whether I wanted to go north or south and I said I was just looking for wildflowers. They hadn’t seen many, they said, but I know that cyclists whizz past without seeing anything.

It was nice to just wander along, no pressure, and I was fortunate to spot two different green orchids, as yet to be identified. I also met two Chinese girls doing the Bibbulmun with loaded backpacks. Good luck to them! It was getting hot, but rain was forecast for Sunday.

Orchids are really hard to get in focus as they wave about in the breeze. I only succeeded with the first one above. My orchid book has 1500 photos so there is a lot to go through for identification.

Beautiful tree and blue sky

Blue lady orchids everywhere

Blue Leschenaultia, quite rare on this stretch

Swan River Myrtle

"Bacon and Egg" - so many in this genera,
all attractive, all different. Botanical name:

Yellow Buttercup (Hibbertia)

Groups of Wedding Bush

Wedding Bush: close-up


A lonely Kangaroo Paw

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