Saturday, September 19, 2020

Spring flowers and feast

Wonderful warm weather this week has brought out a lot of flowers:

It’s the season for proteas. A nearby park is full of these. Bunches of dried proteas are also in the shops. Protea farmers find it hard to get cargo space to export their produce at the best of times, so it must be a lot worse now.

This bottle brush is getting a bit large for its spot in the garden in Como, but it provides welcome shade in summer. Soon it will start dropping leaving “blood on the ground.”

This creeper is also going mad and competes with the hanging baskets. The greyhound’s canvas kennel (for daytime use) is tucked in below.

Wisteria is just starting to open.

Friday night feast was baked barramundi: we always try for a crispy skin, but rarely perfect this!


  1. They were originally from South Africa. The creeper above the dog kennel is the one you have to purchase every Spring and tend it carefully if the nights are cold (forget its name!). Here it just grows rampant without any attention.
