Friday, September 25, 2020

Wreckers at Como

The old house next door has been sold and empty for quite some time. Squatters took up residence at one point. This week everything is being demolished in one fell swoop. The house is a pile of rubble and trees are being pulled up by the roots. The mulberry tree, which provided free fruit at Christmas, will be the last one to go. We loved those mulberries, though they were messy to pick.

This machine was still working at 6.00 pm as the sun went down.

In the last photo, the grabber was perilously near to C’s fence.

The other wrecker was the greyhound, which for some reason attacked the Mother-In-Law’s tongue. Luckily these plants are pretty indestructible!

The wisteria, beyond his reach, is still doing well:

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