Sunday, November 22, 2020

Katanning to Ravensthorpe

We were a bit hot in the night, thanks to the high quality feather duvet on the king sized bed. Breakfast was in the Dome Cafe on the ground floor of the mill and we discovered that Dome owned the entire establishment and had financed the restoration, no expense spared. A superb purple motorbike was parked outside, property of the local vicar:

We drove along straight roads through wheat fields, lined with lovely mallee trees:

At Ongerup we hoped to visit the Mallee Fowl Centre, but in spite of lots of signage it was all closed up, presumably a casualty of Covid.  The town was all quiet, except for the area of the grain silos to which large vehicles came and went every few minutes, depositing their loads:

Our destination for the night was Ravensthorpe, where I had a booking at the motel. The accommodation cost $110, so we didn’t expect luxury; but our little unit has everything we could require including a decent fridge:

The place is up for sale: 12 units and manager’s residence for $850,000.

Ravensthorpe is known for its “silo art”. There is a trail all around country W.A. but this is the first one I’ve seen:

The artist, Amok Island, has done these huge murals around Perth including a big fish on the wall of Kailis.

Back at the ranch, H discovered a very unusual banksia where the flowers hang down instead of going straight up:

Finally I had a chat with a man in a neighbouring unit. He earns a living killing wild dogs which prey on sheep. His vehicle has the euphemism  “Animal Solutions”:


  1. I think I would be enjoying this drive. Great scenery.

  2. How i was able to have my ex back with me again

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