Sunday, November 15, 2020

Lake Leschenaultia

The bushwalk was supposed to start (unusually) at 8.30 am to avoid walking in the heat of November. Not everybody had read the instructions! This is a walk we do every year; people are set in their ways. In any case, we have had a spell of cold wet weather, so it doesn’t feel like November. The bush looked green and fresh after all the rain.

At 8.30 am only 4 were assembled, so we proceeded on a stopgap measure of walking round the lake (about 3 kms) so as to be back at the start for others who might turn up at 10.00 am. There was an added complication of a triathlon in progress, so cars were parked everywhere. In addition, there appeared to be a men’s camping trip - they had been under canvas since Friday night when there was a non stop downpour! Lake Leschenaultia was never so popular.

There were still some wildflowers to see, even this late in the season. I haven’t been able to to identify all of them:


... or Southern Cross

When the others arrived, they set off on their usual walk. I decided to just sit in the sun for a while and eat a sandwich. The cold wind off the water eventually moved me on, so I circumnavigated the lake one more time at a slower pace. We all had lunch together, then N distributed some bread which she picks up from Lawley’s Bread Shop on Saturday afternoon to distribute to the “poor”, otherwise it would just be thrown out.


  1. Looks like a lovely walk. What is the name os the white flowers please?

  2. baby boomers are going to get abused and treated like garbage in the retirement homes. Maybe you boomers shouldn't have been so selfish and arrogant and greedy. Literally everyone hates baby boomers now. Enjoy those retirement homes, and good luck, boomers!
