Saturday, November 21, 2020

Perth to Katanning

This is the first leg of our trip to Esperance. I’m travelling with H, a friend from the Bushwalking Group; she decided at the last minute that she’d like to come along. We stopped for lunch at Williams; the Woolshed was packed with people on a Saturday lunchtime. Driving around W.A. was never so popular!

We arrived in Katanning at about 3.00 pm. and found our way to the Premier Mill Hotel. This is a converted flour mill, very tastefully done. It has received rave reviews and its 20 rooms are fully booked till February. I must have been lucky to snag a cancellation since I only booked a week ago.

Some interior shots follow. The first one is our room with a king sized bed and a tiny wall mounted fridge:

We have Room 102. There is a little booklet which provides a self guided tour, which I’ll do when I’ve had a rest.

Step outside and you see this:

Tapas later:

A couple arrived at the hotel late in the day to take up their reservation. It transpired that they were actually booked in the following day! The man admitted it was “his own bloody fault.” The woman said nothing. They had to leave with a list of B and B’s in the area. Not a successful weekend for them.

1 comment:

  1. Sympathy to the fellow whose bloody fault it was.
    My home town, Akron, Ohio, once had a famous hotel made from the former Quaker Oats milling works. Now it is a dorm for the University.
