Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Giant trees and spectacular stingrays

I drove south down Caves Road this morning. There is a 90 kmh speed limit. It’s a very old road, narrow and winding, lined with magnificent trees. Why would you want to drive at 90? Going along at 65, a few impatient cars built up behind me. Tough! There is a double white line most of the way. My first stop was Boranup Forest, a wilderness of giant Karri trees (the third tallest tree in the world).

Some people with very professional camera gear were coming back, so I asked them to do the honours.

The trees are mesmerising; there are so many of them.

After that, I continued down the road to Hamelin Bay, home of the stingrays. The camp site was absolutely packed: too many tents, caravans, awnings and gazebos. It’s a lovely spot, admittedly, but not when it’s running at capacity. 

Down by the beach, I thought I might have to wait a while for the stingrays to appear, but they seemed to know what was expected of them and they kept drifting past, one after another. There are signs asking people not to touch them, but the temptation proved too much for some people (see my Instagram post). They obviously had not heard of what happened to Steve Irwin.


  1. Under what user name will I find you on Instagram? I've had a look, but I'm finding lots of Margaret Butterworths and haven't yet happened upon the right one!
