Sunday, January 10, 2021

Herb garden update

The Herb Garden Committee met over a BBQ in the communal courtyard. It was a hot evening but we managed to survive with a few drinks. We made use of the new concrete table and benches, recently arrived from Indonesia:

On the menu:
Lamb steaks with potato salad and green salad
Lime cheesecake and fruits.

We discussed the next lot of plantings, and for some reason the number of suicides (2) where people had thrown themselves off the top of the blocks. There was also the case of a kitten that fell to its death onto a table where people were eating dinner on the terrace. 

The two herb gardens are looking good:


  1. I would love to be at that meeting, and not only for the nibbles.

  2. Maybe you could start a community herb garden where you live - when the snow has gone!
