Sunday, April 11, 2021

A Walk in the Forest

We had lots of rain today. A bushwalk was scheduled for Pickering Brook, but the forecast was so bad that the leader decided to cancel at the last minute. There is a severe cyclone warning for up north, and Perth is getting the tail end of it. However, a few of us didn't get the message or decided to go anyway. It has been too hot to walk for weeks, so a walk in the rain seemed like a nice change. Jack strode off, intending to do the entire 11 km route, but three of us decided to walk for about an hour and then turn back when the rain got too heavy (which it did!) The trees were dripping wet and the track was muddy, but we enjoyed being out in the forest.

Twisted and gnarled tree.

Grass Tree.

Grass Tree close-up.

Top left and bottom right are "water bushes".
The flat leaves collect and retain water.

This is the Munda Biddi Trail,
a long distance bike path,
but no cyclists today!

Banksia recovering from a fire.

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