Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Monkey Mia to Carnarvon

Having breakfast on my tiny balcony, I watched lots of boats and 4WD’s coming and going. 

Then it was time to hit the road, avoiding all the wildlife:

I saw an eagle feasting on the carcass of a small kangaroo who hadn’t quite made it  crossing the road. In the second pic, the eagle decided I was a bit too close and flew off, showing his huge wing span:

Next stop was at Shell Beach, which is made up of millions of tiny shells.

After another hot day’s driving, it was a relief to arrive in Carnarvon. I had booked a room at the Gateway Motel. This place has remained unchanged over the years and still provides a really popular buffet dinner. Tonight it was Chinese and diners piled their plates high. Earlier I made a quick trip into town to walk out on the jetty. I only got as far as the first stop of the old tramway:

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