Saturday, April 16, 2022

In transit

My hike actually began in Dubai Airport, where I was obliged to walk 2km just to change planes.  I feel sure the signposted way to Gate C5 took unsuspecting passengers back and forth in both directions through the shopping malls. Where there were no shops, a conveyer belt transported us more quickly. DXB must be the busiest airport in the world.

The flight from Perth was absolutely packed. They could really have done with one of their bigger planes, with an upstairs Business Class. Service was fairly slow; there weren’t too many staff and some appeared to be new. Normally, there are two shifts of staff, but these ones had to serve both the late dinner and breakfast.  Meals were not brilliant. Lots of passengers are now requesting vegetarian or vegan meals; they get served first, but without any drinks. I ended up with quinoa salad followed by beef ragout and a glass of red. 

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