Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Day at the beach

An unusually hot day was forecast for Perth (34 degrees), so my plan was to get up early and drive to the beach. I left at 7.20 am and arrived at South Beach, Fremantle at 8.00 am. The traffic was heavy because most people are going to work at that time of day. The beach was quiet, largely due to a sneaky land breeze from the north-east. But I was here and determined to have a dip, my first swim of the season. The water was FREEZING! Some people apparently swim throughout the winter, believing the shock to the system does them good! I rewarded myself with a luscious breakfast of pancakes with maple syrup and an interesting combination of stewed apple with ginger.
Afterwards I walked out on the groyne and took a few photos, looking north towards Fremantle. Big piles of seaweed were near the water’s edge and will need removing by the Council with a tractor.
After a hot day, Aussies like to throw a prawn on the BBQ. A hot frying pan is just as good:

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