Monday, May 23, 2016

Espalion to Estaing

Pouring with rain again this morning. Wet gear donned, I set off to walk on the road to Estaing, avoiding the Chemin GR65, which would be muddy and involved climbing. The River Lot was on my right the whole way, very fast flowing, with lots of warnings to keep out of the water or be swept away by dangerous currents.

My first stop for the day was the Church at Bessuejoules, another Romanesque jewel of the Camino. It has a very special "high chapel" of St Michel, up in the tower of the church, and accessed by a narrow winding staircase, only wide enough for a very thin person to squeeze up and down. All the following photos are of this chapel (which not many people know about or bother to look at in their haste to progress on the Camino).

A 2 minute ray of sunshine came out just for this photo of the ancient tower.

1 comment:

  1. Ah - now I understand your reference to sketching. It has been some days since I looked at the blog! Your destinations look perfectly marvellous. Happy walking.
