Sunday, May 29, 2016


Raining cats and dogs this morning, so I dawdled over breakfast. There was both a machine for squeezing oranges and another for boiling your own egg to perfection. Why not?

Eventually I had to go out in full wet gear. It was hard trying to take photos, juggling with my umbrella to try and keep my iPhone dry. Eventually I found my way to St Savior's Church, which had a capacity crowd this morning. There was a duet (guitar and female singer) entertaining the congregation with catchy modern music, and a line of kids waiting for their confirmation and first communion. Afterwards they were all given a rose to present to their mother, since today is Mothers Day in France. The priest then took his microphone around and let these kids say something. It was a popular move with all the proud parents. For me, it was very entertaining and better than a Sunday morning in the rain. As I came out, a man asked me if I could recommend a good restaurant. Do I look like a local? Anyway, I have been to mass like any good pilgrim!

Waiting for first communion

The girl on the right is like E with her hair done up

Back view of hairstyle, with the popular priest on her right coming to speak to her

View of my hotel across the river

1 comment:

  1. I hope the weather improves for your pilgrimage; the forecast is very unsettled. Fascinating to read of your journey.
