Saturday, May 21, 2016

St Chely to St Come d'Olt

St Chely to St Come d'Olt

Only 16 kms but it took me from 8.30 am till 5.00 pm. The Chemin is never on the flat, it's either steeply up or steeply down. The views were beautiful today, the best ever! We could see for miles.

Leaving St Chely by Pilgrims Bridge

Beech forest trail

Looking back to St Chely

Info about the first hydro-electric scheme on the River Lot, built 1949

Gorse in flower lining the path

First sight of the twisted spite of St Come d'Olt

Pilgrims relaxing outside Gite

Entry to the Gite del Roumiou, built into the ramparts of the town

Dessert of chocolate mousse with pilgrims footprints

The Gite here in St Come is an ancient building owned by 2 pilgrims who have done the entire Camino from Le Puy to Santiago. It is full of the rowdiest group of French that you ever came across. They are exceedingly noisy, having downed several bottles of red before dinner!

Pate, courgette soup with mint, boeuf bourgingnon with rice, chocolate mousse.

Today's expenses
Breakfast in St Chely 5€
Beer en route 2.50€
Demi pension at St Come 31€

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