Friday, May 6, 2022

Azofra to Santo Domingo

The hotel was rather swish, with lots of fancy nicknacks and antiques all over the place:

I didn’t try this device!

I had another attic room, with a skylight, through which the sun poured all afternoon.

They were not serving dinner, but I went up the street where “everybody” eats, I had been told:

F and C, of course.

This morning, it was 4 degrees when I woke up but the sun rose and promised another perfect day on the Camino.

View from my window early.

Plenty of pilgrims setting off from Azofra.

A welcome break at a donativo stall.

It had been my plan to walk as far as Ciruena and then to take a bus into Sto Domingo, which left at 2.05 pm . 
When I got there, I couldn’t find the bus stop, so I ended up walking all the way. Ciruena is a town built a few years ago, right next to a new golf course. It is known as Se Vende (For Sale) because the rows and rows of apartments and townhouses have never sold:

I ended up walking 17 kms today, far too much for me these days. When I finally arrived at Sto Domingo and checked into the Parador, I was too exhausted to move another step. I raided the minibar for a beer and nuts (which is totally against my principles in normal times). A Canadian colleague gave a piece of advice to a young visitor on her way to India: if you’ve got a problem, throw money at it! That’s what I felt like today.

The Parador has everything a weary traveller needs, a big bath with enough hot water to fill it. I put in lots of bath gel, flung in all my dirty clothes and jumped in after them! Bliss!

After a siesta, I felt rested enough to visit the Cathedral:

Mosaics in the crypt. This one is the Three Wise Men.

1 comment:

  1. Even a nap could not have sent me on.
    All I know of the Google problems is they are recurring and Google is addressing them one at a time.
