Saturday, May 28, 2022

Sarria to Morgade

This hot weather is surprising everybody. It’s almost too hot to be out walking in the afternoon. Thank goodness I booked a half stage day. Sarria is the departure point for those who want to get a compostela by only walking the last 100 kms to Santiago and the Camino has got much more crowded, especially as it’s the weekend. A whole class of noisy teenagers passed me early on, the boys in front listening to pop music, the girls behind talking non stop, their teacher bringing up the rear.

I even shortened my day by about 5 kms by taking a taxi up the hill out of Sarria as far as Barbadelo, where I remember visiting an ancient church. Plenty of time for a repeat visit:

It was quite misty for the first couple of hours. Then it lifted to reveal a bright blue sky and endless views:

In the distance is a stork foraging for food amongst the stubble.

There was plenty of shade, and stones for water crossings. Pilgrims have been walking this exact route for centuries.

I finally reached my destination, Casa Morgade at lunchtime. This is the terrace next to my room. It was too hot to sit outside and too cold inside! It’s a traditional stone house, with very thick walls and small windows. I ordered lentil soup and went for a siesta.

Old horse trough across the road.

F and C for dinner.

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