Friday, May 20, 2022

Cacabelos to Villafranca … cont.

I’m splitting this post into two because I’ve become paranoid at the post disappearing without trace. At the top of the hill there is a choice of way. To the right is the scenic route, which I always take. Walking through all these vineyards is a joy, especially on such a beautiful day. I took a short break in the shade at Valtuille de Arriba and sat on a seat by a water fountain. Next to the tap was a leaflet, the day’s information from Fresco Tours. Someone had lost theirs. I had lovely memories of the tours, though not this particular one.

Soon I came to one of the most photographed spots on the Camino. Can you recognise it? It’s called the House of the three Pines, and appears in all the guidebooks as well as the very first photo on my blog. I have never seen it in such picture perfect weather.

On this part of the trail, various wineries have put up information boards about their grapes. This is one example:

This is the church of Santiago. In the middle ages pilgrims who were unable to continue their pilgrimage because they were on their last legs could obtain a Compostela and guaranteed entry to heaven without actually going any further. I am not quite on my last legs, so after another rest day I’ll be on my way. 

Lunch spot. It was hot! In fact the high temperatures all over Spain merited a news item this morning “El Noche del Calor.”

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