Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Resting in Ponferrada

My hotel is in the main square of the old town. It is now a pedestrian precinct and approached through an archway with a clock tower. This is all that remains of the town’s defensive walls:

The man in the foreground has been walking at more or less the same pace as me in the company of a very pretty girl. Now they appear to have parted company and he was sitting there begging on his own. I noticed him previously because he was wearing corduroy trousers, which are totally unsuitable for a Camino, since they would just soak up the rain. I saw him again later in the day, leaving town:

I went for a quick and delicious lunch: a bagel w smoked salmon and cream cheese ( a change from Spanish food):

The police were forever patrolling the area; four officers (3 female carrying truncheons) jumped out of this van:

On my way back from lunch I noticed a familiar face coming towards me. It was “C clearly” from the Forum, an active moderator. She had just arrived on the bus from Madrid and is about to start the Invierno.

After another rest in the afternoon, I had dinner at the Violet Restaurant, next door to the hotel:

Caesar salad: a whimsical interpretation, followed by a perfect tempura of fish pieces and veggies:

In case anyone thinks I am over-indulging with all these gourmet meals, here is a little story. In my twenties, I used to spend three weeks every summer with my archaeologist husband camping all over Spain. We were on a budget, ate out rarely and cooked for ourselves, often using tinned food from M&S. We admired Paradors from afar, but could only dream of staying in one. Now, all that is changed. I can stay where I want and eat where I want. But I’m still doing the Camino. It’s my long-held ambition to do the whole way from SJPP to Santiago in one go, not walking every step, but doing a lot of the hard yards (and some are hard!)  It’s not easy at my age, but I’m getting there. Ultreia!

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