Saturday, May 21, 2022

Villafranca rest day

I’m leaving Hotel Plaza Major this morning and heading just down the road to the Parador. My hotel here is in the centre of Villafranca and very convenient for  everything, but it is fully booked tonight.

View from the breakfast room early this morning.

View of my room before I made it untidy.

Interesting view through the skylight in my bathroom.

This is the church as seen from my window.

I watched the TV news over breakfast. The former king, Juan Carlos, is back in Spain for a regatta. He walks with a stick and also has a young man who holds his other arm. He looks quite frail, but is obviously enjoying his visit. The Australian election also got a brief mention, but I couldn’t understand what was being said, and didn’t care anyway.

… later

I am now installed in luxurious comfort at the Parador, on the other side of town. I need another rest before tackling the mountain ahead. I have stayed here once before and I particularly like the view from the window of the tunnels that go up and away from Villafranca. This year I’m making more stops before I reach O’Cebreiro. The weather can be very changeable in these parts and this affects the walk in addition to the altitude. Thunderstorms are forecast for tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I wish you good fortune and every success in climbing the mountain. I understand your conservative government has been replaced by a more liberal group.
