Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Navarrete to Ventosa

On the way out of town, the Camino went alongside a main road for a while. A bitterly cold wind was whistling along it from the west. I was glad of my gloves and beanie. We passed the local cemetery, where the Romanesque entrance had been rescued from the pilgrim hospital on the other side of Navarrete:

The vines seem to be growing in exceedingly stony ground in these parts:

That structure seems to be part of the reticulation system.

Some years ago, the Camino was re-routed to avoid Ventosa, in order to shorten the route to Najera. Now the residents of Ventosa are fighting back. They have erected this picturesque sign and the Camino seems to be back to its original historic route:

It’s actually a much better way, along a quiet country road. Previously we were walking alongside a busy highway with lorries thundering past.

Lunch in El Bar Camino: squid sandwich w mayo.

Just about every pilgrim stops at this bar. It holds prime position at the entrance to town. My hotel, Las Aquedas, is on the other side, overlooking a quiet little square. It is beautiful inside, and I have a nice attic room, though the Senora is a bit frugal with the heating.

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