Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Imagine waking up to this view every day. I can't find words to adequately describe this Cathedral, so I'm going to quote from Gitlitz and Davidson:

"Architects of large medieval churches strove to affect worshippers with a sense of wonder and awe. In Burgos they exceeded their expectations... the unprecedented size... in the 13th century it rose miraculously in the middle of a plain... the enormous pinnacles, the spires soaring skywards as visible links with heaven."


South portal tympanum: Christ in Majesty and 12 apostles are the earliest of the external sculptures 

More street art

A little tapa at Casa Poncho to keep me going till Spanish dinner time: stuffed mushrooms


2 hour tour of Cathedral begins:

The Dome is the most beautiful artwork of the Spanish Renaissance : Philip II said it was the work of angels not of men.

Staircase by the Italian Gil de Siloe in , Renaissance style, completed in 1523. It was designed to accommodate the 8 m difference in level caused by a major levelling of the ground when the new Gothic Cathedral was built.

Tomb of El Cid


Back Choir - sculptures begun in 1497.

Chapel of the Constables

Door decorated with the arms of Castilla and Leon

Modern depiction of El Cid

Model of the Cathedral 

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