Sunday, October 15, 2017


Today was the start of the Meseta, with wheat fields as far as the eye could see. The rows of dead stalks of the harvested wheat created interesting patterns in the bare dry soil. There was also a plantation of sunflowers which would be a lovely sight in spring.

It was another 11 km day for me; most people were doing twice that, with groups of Spanish cyclists whizzing past as well on this Sunday morning. Tomorrow I'll send my backpack on with Jacotrans to give my hip a rest. It was rather overcast when I set off, but very hot again when the sun came out. They say the weather is about to change, with rain forecast for Tuesday.

Going down into Hornillos was a very steep stony track, so I took it slowly. Last time I was here I'd walked all the way from Burgos, but I was a bit younger and fitter then. There used to be a real shortage of beds in Hornillos, but now more albergues have opened and there are probably too many. I had booked a private room in Albergue Meeting Point, 3 years old, with everything new and pristine. I was first in, so I went to have a siesta before the masses started arriving.

View from my window in Tardajos

Approaching Rabe early this morning 

Wide open spaces of the Meseta 

Looking north from the same spot

Huge plantation of sunflowers, now finished

Steep path down to Hornillos 

View from my window in Hornillos

Albergue Meeting Point

Hornillos Church

Cheers!  (I don't have one everyday!)


  1. Interesting as ever. I take it you mean wheat stubble. You should know the terminology from living in Norfolk. It all looks to me far more remote than when I was in Siberia last year.

  2. Too busy working at the College to learn local terms!!
