Friday, October 13, 2017


On the ALSA bus into Burgos, which had free wi-fi available, I was delighted to find that my email problem had sorted itself out and 22 messages suddenly started to download. I've no idea what happened yesterday, just gremlins in the system.

I spent the morning on the Museum of Human Evolution (free entry for seniors!!). Last time I was here there was not a word nor a publication in English. Now that is all changed. I would like to have purchased this book, but books are a no-no in a pilgrim's backpack:

Illustrated guide to Atapuerca ISBN   978 84 615 4112 6


The Museum seems mainly interested in teaching about evolution in general, with few actual finds from Atapuerca on display, but it was an interesting couple of hours.

Leaving Lerma by the Prison Arch

Australopithecus africanus weight 40-45 kgs

Homo habilis weight 45-70 kgs

Neanderthal Man weight 60-95 kgs

Heidelberg Man weight 60-100 kgs 

Homo Antecessor- large model outside the museum, based on the Atapuerca research

Published research about Atapuerca 

Instructive panel showing how archaeologists work

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