Friday, October 6, 2017

Sto Domingo

In Santo Domingo, I checked into the Parador in the main square ( booked some time ago, and they were now turning people away on a Friday night). Across the square, I was attracted by a menu that included Pumpkin Soup, just what I needed on such a cold day. The Restaurant La Cancela turned out to be a very classy place, a family business with father and son in the front and mum in the kitchen.

I ordered:

David Moreno Crianza (85% Tempranillo and 15% Garnacha)

Pumpkin soup w green asparagus

Stuffed red peppers wrapped in ham

Dessert of junket w figs

All delicious! Two starters and a dessert. It's a good idea to eat lunch at 2.00 pm and avoid having to wait for the late Spanish dinner time of 8.30 pm.

After an hour's siesta, it was back to my day job as a serious tourist. A visit to the Cathedral is a must in this town. I've done it before but this time I've come armed with more information.

"Santo Domingo de la Calzada

Que canto la gallina despues de asada". Refers to the legend of the miracle of the cock and the hen, whereby the roasted bird came alive, miraculously, after being roasted, and the same miracle brought a hanged man back to life. Look it up! Anyway, the Cathedral keeps a cock and a hen in a cage, in perpetual memory of the miracle. ( I believe they are rotated, or they would go mad with a bright light shining on them all the time!) Today  it was quiet in the Cathedral at 6.00   pm, so they just clucked a bit, but I have known the cock to crow loudly to the delight of visitors!

Sto Domingo is the patron saint of road, canal and port engineers (JL will be interested to know). This is because he constructed a better road, a bridge over the river and a pilgrims' hospital after observing the difficulties faced by those on pilgrimage.

Cock and hen in their cage

Modern depiction of the legend which was used as a postage stamp

Sto Domingo statue on his tomb 

Bell tower in the setting sun at 7.30 pm


  1. I like the interior of that Cathedral, quite plain in a way. Your meal sounds, and looks, good. You will sleep well.

  2. You're eating and drinking well on the Camino. I love the way you're enjoying it in every way
