Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Last night I enjoyed one of the best Pilgrims Meals on the Camino: I remembered the place from last time!

I had Garlic soup, followed by Vegetarian meatballs and Santiago Cake to take away "para llevar". The soup was served boiling hot, literally: I had to ask for ice cubes to cool it down! It was a very congenial place, serving dinner at the pilgrim friendly 7.30 pm. It was full of pilgrims, including a group from Britain, 2 Welsh ladies and their friend from Bradford who claimed to have a friend in Holmfirth. Small world.

The Church has a huge and famous  Baroque Retablo, if you like that kind of thing!

Today's walk promised to be a tough 17.5 kms. I was keen to get off early and left town at 7.30 am, looking out for the yellow arrows on every street corner. I passed the cemetery and the Romanesque gateway which had been rescued from San Juan de Acre pilgrims hospital.

Looking back to see the sunrise, I also watched the rising sun illuminate a distant mountain range to the north and the mist in the valley below. It was impossible to take a photo which would do it justice on my little phone.

There was to be no refreshment opportunities on the way, unless via a detour of 1 km to the village of Ventosa. Although longing for a coffee, I didn't take it. Most other people did!  I was annoyed to find that my Fitbit had run out of charge, so there was no record of my mammoth achievement of the day.

The Camino did provide on two counts. Firstly, someone had thrown out an old sofa, so I had a rest in the shade. It was becoming very hot after the sun came out. Later, at a fountain there was a selection of grapes and figs left for weary travellers. Just what I needed to help me on my way!

Last night's restaurant 

Vegetarian meatballs 

 Baroque retablo in the church at Navarrete 

Looking back at the sunrise over Navarrete 

Distant mountain range to the north

 Vines thriving on stony ground 

An old sofa by the track; just what I needed an hour from Najera!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos again Margaret.
    Hope you have a quite day coming up!
