Sunday, October 13, 2019

Tavira Island

This morning I took the ferry to Tavira Island, a 15 minute trip down the estuary towards the open sea. The island is said to have the best beaches on the Algarve, but not today. The sea was rough and the yellow and red flags were out. The lifeguards had nothing to do, as not a soul was swimming. A thick sea mist had descended on everything and it hung around all morning. The island has a huge camping area but it’s also the home to a fair number of mosquitos. They soon found my bare legs attractive!

Heading downstream.

He’s busy collecting, but I don’t know what!

An old wreck.

A colony of swans. There are supposed to be flamingos as well, but I didn’t see any.

On the island: not much doing!

A very long beach.

Lots of shells in many colours.

These are popular.

They are serious about rubbish recycling.

Better weather for a swim this afternoon.

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