Saturday, December 19, 2020

Hillside Retreat

You can visit the website:

 “you are transported to a tranquil country retreat in York in the Avon Valley. Being the first inland town settled in 1831 and only 97kms away, York is Western Australia's most historically rich town. It is steeped in history and boasts many wonderful old buildings, so it is fitting that Hillside - a Federation-pile-with-a-past - sits in the historic heart of this famous Wheatbelt town.”

C was up with the lark and the dog at 5.00 am,  out for a run and a walk. Rocky didn’t want to run today because he got something prickly in his paws yesterday  - maybe some sharp pieces of wheat stubble. At 7.00 am it was time for my early morning walk round the property. This is the best time of day for anything energetic in York. I don’t know how the early settlers survived the hot dry summers with no aircon.

We are surrounded on all sides with views like these. A strong Easterly was blowing, good news as it kept the flies away!

There is an aviary full of green and yellow budgies. At my approach they suddenly took flight to the far side of their cage.

This is the main entrance to the property. The driveway is lined with the collection of machinery.

The main residence is in the background.

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