Thursday, December 24, 2020

Hot hot hot

Christmas Day is too hot for words!  No eating lunch in the garden as we usually do. On the menu:
Blinis with caviar 
Crayfish with rice salad and beetroot
Mince tarts and Creme Brûlée Tea

Crayfish are a bargain this year, since China is not importing any and usually they take 95% of our catch. Kailis were doing good business yesterday, moving massive amounts of them in record time. They have a 36 hour marathon before Christmas, selling all night.
C googled how to prepare them and twisted off the shells with expert precision.

E and I laboured over a hot stove to make the blinis.

I bought the mince tarts from the bakery in Mundaring and they were better than I could have made!

Rocky received a raccoon for Christmas. He is very possessive of it:

You can hide a treat inside its body.

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