Saturday, December 19, 2020

Perth to York

We have escaped to the country for a few days before Christmas. C has found a dog-friendly place to stay: Hillside Retreat on the outskirts of York, which is 1.5 hours drive from Perth. The veranda of our cottage is all fenced in so Rocky can be left there, but there are acres and acres of farmland for him to run around without escape to the main road. It is hot, very hot! Too hot to eat dinner outside: 35 degrees at 6.00 pm. We’ve had to retreat inside to our aircon.

Ice cubes melting rapidly in my champagne!

There is a collection of ancient rusting farm machinery lining the driveway of the property. We walked around till the mozzies drove us inside!

1 comment:

  1. I used to have a whole album of old farm equipment pictures!
