Sunday, September 19, 2021

Hounds Day Out

Greyhound owners from all over Perth brought their pets to Burswood this morning for Hounds Day Out. We never knew there were so many hounds and so many colours! The idea was to raise money and awareness in the campaign against greyhound racing.

We still think that Rocky is the most handsome:

There were lots of stalls offering dog treats and dog accessories:

"Slobberlicious" dog treats in many flavours

Personalised containers

Rocky received too many free samples of treats and followed the donors around wanting seconds. After a short dog walk along the river (when there was competition from runners and cyclists on the path), we returned to base so that C could take part in a yoga session. I babysat Rocky while this was happening, but he didn’t like being separated from his mistress.

We couldn’t resist buying some merchandise for ourselves:

Free the Hounds!

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