Saturday, September 11, 2021

Mt O’Brien

The expert wildflower hunters fanned out near the base of Mt O’Brien in search of the rare plant again, trying to record the number. The bush was dense and I wasn’t much use for identification, so I just spent my time taking photos. Firstly, the interpretive signs:

ML arrived at the Caravan Park this morning. Here she is setting off into the bush for the survey.

Allocasuarina tree with very big and abundant nuts

Tiny groundcover plants near the look-out

This is the road out. After lunch we went back into Wongan Hills Visitors Centre, then on to our next port of call, Gathercole Walk Trail:

Bright yellow acacia trees everywhere:

Amazing rock formations

It was getting hot so I retraced my steps back to the cars, begged some food from Guat and her husband (mine was locked in the car) and then got a lift back into town so that I could have a siesta. The others completed the 2 hour walk around the reserve.

In the evening we all had a communal meal in the Campers Kitchen: it was too cold out for the proposed BBQ. This is a really well-organised camp site: highly recommended for a return visit.

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