Friday, April 7, 2023

Autumn eats

Hot weather is now at an end! As is normal here in Perth, the seasons change rapidly and suddenly, taking us all by surprise. With only just over two weeks to go before my next Camino, the lower temperatures make it easier for me to do some serious training at last. In the meantime, I have been cooking some Autumn dishes.

Friday night dinners:

Spaghetti Marinara (including the dog’s).

Risoni w red emperor.

Apple and plum crumble.

Pumpkin soup for lunch.


  1. Fine dining, enhanced by the pottery.

  2. I'd been wondering when you'd be off caminando por el Camino. I look forward to seeing where you visit this year. And how warm you have it after the cool winter in Spain this year.

  3. Don't want it too hot till I get to Mallorca!
